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Risk Management Officer - Asset Management   


Suíça, Basileia-Cidade, Riehen


Banco e Serviços Financeiros


Serviços Financeiros

Última atualização: 14/06/2024


Descrição oferta

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A leading banking and asset management group with well-established Swiss headquarters and excellent global reach. They offer dynamic and personalized services in investment advisory and asset management for institutional clients on the asset management side (where this job is based), as well as for private clients on the wealth management side. Strong on sustainability and the environment.  Offices across Switzerland as well as globally.

An entrepreneurial, fast-paced and driven place to work with an international mindset. A very well-established Swiss bank with an extremely strong balance and credit rating.  An employer who really values their employees, offering a meritocratic place to work. Would ideally suit those used to a medium-sized bank and looking to join a human-sized organisation. 

A Client that Finders work with regularly and can thereby explain very well the culture of this Bank to any prospective, suitable applicant. 


As part of the Asset Management/Funds business unit, this role is sitting within the Risk team. As Risk Officer, you will essentially be key in contributing to the maintenance of a solid risk framework and the constant improvement thereof. an already solid risk framework. This includes the management and control of risks and regulatory requirements on fund management company as well as Swiss Fund level. Integrating risk aspects into decision making plays an important role, e.g. with regard to the selection and maintenance of strong relationships with business partners. Strong project- and process management skills are a plus.

Responsibilities to include, but not limited to:

  • Control and monitor risk profiles and regulatory requirements on fund management company level and on the level of Swiss investment funds as a second line of defence
  • Maintain and continuously improve the risk & control framework of the bank's investment funds business (including ICS, RCSA, OpRisk and BCM aspects)
  • Supervision and oversight on outsourcing framework
  • Provision of inputs / preparation of regular and ad-hoc risk reports (e.g. FX, liquidity-, market-, credit- and operational risks) for the Head Risk Management & Controls and various committees and boards
  • Coordination and other ad hoc tasks (E.g. related to PRIIP KID production process)
  • Carry out ad-hoc reviews and participate in risk management and fund related initiatives
  • Support or lead internal projects, process management and/or fund product initiatives


  • Higher education such as FH/university degree in business administration, economics or equivalent. CFA, FRM or equivalent financial degree or trainings in risk management are a plus
  • 3 years++ of work experience in the field of risk management from asset management or investment funds
  • Strong analytical skills and mind set with the ability to work thoroughly, flexible and independently
  • Solution oriented with a pragmatic approach and readiness to work closely with colleagues and stakeholders, internally and externally
  • Team player willing to take full ownership of his/her tasks and area of responsibility
  • Ability to work under pressure, to prioritize and to take clear decisions
  • Very good communication skills
  • Fluent in English; some German at least also needed/preferable with French a nice to have
  • Happy to be based in the office (no home working) for this full-time job, permanent contract
  • Committed to living in the Basel area and compelling reasons for wishing to relocate if not already residing there, as well as eligible/in possession of either a Swiss passport or valid Swiss work permit (cross-border accepted)


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Suíça, Ticino, Lugano - Flexsis SA empImg

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Suíça, Ticino, Lugano - Flexsis SA empImg

Per conto di un nostro stimato cliente del Sottoceneri, stiamo selezionando per un incarico temporaneo di lungo periodo con possibilità di Assunzione, dei :   Cartongessisti - Lavori da Cartongessista tradizionale; - Posa pareti ,soffitti, lastre con buona resa e precisione; - Curvature, abbassamenti, plafone; - Velette auspicabili,Lisciatura auspicabile; - Utilizzo Taloccia costituisce titolo Preferenziale; - Esperienza pregressa come Cartongessista Pluriennale; - Gestione del lavoro in Autonomia Auspicabile; - Automunito ,patente B, conoscenza del Territorio del Canton Ticino - Disponibilità immediata;  Le persone interessate che si identificano nelle competenze richieste sono invitate ad inviare al più presto la propria candidatura.
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