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Senior Business Development Manager - Property Underwriting & Brokerage - Zurich  


Suiza, Zürich, Zurich/Remote




Dirección o Alta Gerencia

Fecha última actualización: 10/06/2024


Descripción oferta de empleo

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Our client is part of a leading international organization in its field. Its Swiss headquarters is located in Bern.


The working environment is supportive, with very low turnover. Many employees build their entire careers with the company because of the opportunities for growth.


We are currently seeking a full-time Business Developer with previous Property Underwriting or Brokerage experience to join their team.



Key Responsibilities will include:

  • Promote and market our client's products and loss prevention engineering services to a network of broker producers to sustain a steady stream of desirable new business opportunities and a stable portfolio of existing customers.
  • Research and recommend the appointment of new brokers and establish multiple business contacts within broker firms to maximize opportunities and maintain long term relationships.
  • Develop/maintain and grow a profitable book of business
  • Provide excellent and responsive service to our broker and customer base that clearly leverages our strengths as a competitive differential in the marketplace.



Your Profile:


  • Bachelor's degree in engineering, business or finance, Insurance or risk management certification desirable.
  • Minimum 5 years underwriting or broker experience within the industry (insurance or brokerage) with exposure to commercial property accounts of varying occupancies and sizes. An engineering background would be a plus.
  • Understanding of risk identification and assessment, property insurance coverage, forms, financial statements, and business computer applications.
  • Details oriented, with excellent time management, planning, organization, and analytical skills.
  • Business oriented with sales/negotiation skills, and problem solving and decision-making mindset.
  • Pro-active, resilient, motivated, and perseverant.
  • Good team player and able at the same time to work autonomously demonstrating excellent judgment.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbally and in writing) in English + German OR French, and, if possible Italian.
  • The role requires frequent travelling in Switzerland and to their office in Paris




**** CV must be in English ****


Boost you career by joining this amazing company!

Ready to fly higher? Apply now!

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Dirige a otros: No

Tipo de contrato: Trabajo a tiempo indefinido

Carrera: Administrativo / Oficina


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Senior Business Development Manager - Property Underwriting & Brokerage - Zurich

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Our client is part of a leading international organization in its field. Its Swiss headquarters is located in Bern.   The working environment is supportive, with very low turnover. Many employees build their entire careers with the company because of the opportunities for growth.   We are currently seeking a full-time Business Developer with previous Property Underwriting or Brokerage experience to join their team.     Key Responsibilities will include: - Promote and market our client's products and loss prevention engineering services to a network of broker producers to sustain a steady stream of desirable new business opportunities and a stable portfolio of existing customers. - Research and recommend the appointment of new brokers and establish multiple business contacts within broker firms to maximize opportunities and maintain long term relationships. - Develop/maintain and grow a profitable book of business - Provide excellent and responsive service to our broker and customer base that clearly leverages our strengths as a competitive differential in the marketplace.     Your Profile:   - Bachelor's degree in engineering, business or finance, Insurance or risk management certification desirable. - Minimum 5 years underwriting or broker experience within the industry (insurance or brokerage) with exposure to commercial property accounts of varying occupancies and sizes. An engineering background would be a plus. - Understanding of risk identification and assessment, property insurance coverage, forms, financial statements, and business computer applications. - Details oriented, with excellent time management, planning, organization, and analytical skills. - Business oriented with sales/negotiation skills, and problem solving and decision-making mindset. - Pro-active, resilient, motivated, and perseverant. - Good team player and able at the same time to work autonomously demonstrating excellent judgment. - Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbally and in writing) in English + German OR French, and, if possible Italian. - The role requires frequent travelling in Switzerland and to their office in Paris       **** CV must be in English ****   Boost you career by joining this amazing company! Ready to fly higher? Apply now!


Suiza, Ticino, Lugano - Flexsis SA empImg

Per conto di un nostro stimato cliente del Sopraceneri, selezioniamo per impiego interinale con inserimento entro l'ultimo trimestre del 2024 il seguente profilo: ASSISTENTE TECNICO HSE La risorsa sarà parte di un team di 4 persone e risponderà direttamente al responsabile HSE. Si interfaccerà principalmente con il Team HSE, i responsabili di reparto/settore e tutto il personale. Supervisionerà gli aspetti HSE dello stabilimento, in particolare per le divisioni Tecnica, Produzione, Qualità e Scientifica. Fornirà supporto ai processi aziendali, aggiornerà la documentazione tecnica HSE e revisionerà i flussi. - Ispezioni periodiche in tutti i reparti e aree esterne dello stabilimento - Gestione dei controlli operativi secondo l'analisi dei rischi - Implementazione e gestione sistematica delle misure antinfortunistiche - Analisi approfondite sulla sicurezza sul lavoro con conseguente implementazione di misure in collaborazione con le funzioni aziendali - Gestione completa del sistema antincendio - Supervisione degli impianti anti-intrusione, videosorveglianza e controllo accessi - Revisione periodica del piano e supporto nella gestione delle emergenze, inclusi i fuori orario - Formazione del personale su temi HSE - Assistenza nella gestione delle problematiche OPIR - Assistenza operativa agli operatori HSE per la gestione degli impianti di abbattimento fumi e depurazione acque - Produzione, aggiornamento e gestione della documentazione relativa - Raccolta e gestione dei dati di interesse - Supporto all'HSE manager durante gli audit - Gestione eventi e mancati eventi e coordinamento con l'HSE Manager per implementare le misure necessarie - Laurea tecnica in gestione impianti e sicurezza sul lavoro o formazione equivalente. - Qualifica conclusa come Tecnico della sicurezza o formazione SUVA - Almeno 3 anni in ruoli analoghi con responsabilità crescenti, preferibilmente nel settore chimico/farmaceutico - Ottima padronanza dell'italiano scritto e orale, buona conoscenza dell'inglese scritto e orale. Conoscenza di base del tedesco preferibile - Eccellente conoscenza del pacchetto Office, in particolare Excel e fogli di pianificazione, Autocad e software comuni - Spiccate capacità organizzative, problem solving, gestione autonoma delle attività assegnate - Capacità di comunicare efficacemente, predisposizione alle relazioni interpersonali e al lavoro di squadra - Attenzione alla qualità, accuratezza, metodo, precisione e aderenza a processi strutturati - Persona empatica, collaborativa, onesta, discreta, con comunicazione chiara e trasparente, attitudine al lavoro ben fatto e attenzione alla sicurezza Le persone interessate che si identificano nelle competenze richieste sono invitate ad inviare al più presto la propria candidatura completa corredata di fotografia e attestati, diplomi, certificati formativi e di formazione continua, certificati di lavoro. Flexsis vi offre L'inserimento per incarico di grande interesse ed elevato target professionale, con contratto di lavoro interinale, di lunga durata e rinnovabile, in società solida e con flair internazionale e possibilità di  formazione continua, sia interna che esterna.


Suiza, Ticino, Lugano - Flexsis SA empImg

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Suiza, Ticino, Lugano - Flexsis SA empImg

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