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Field Service Engineer - Milling Machines - Anywhere in Switzerland (H/F)  


Switzerland, St. Gallen, St Gallen


Electronic industry/Automation



Date of last update: 03/07/2024


Job description

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Our client, an international company supplier of CNC machines and automation solutions is looking for a field service Technician to complete their team.



Job Description

  • You will be covering the Eastern part of Switzerland and some EU countries (mainly Liechtenstein and Austria)
  • Manage installations, repairs, and maintenance directly at our customers' sites.
  • Execute modifications and conduct overhauls at client locations.
  • Foster regular communication with our innovative diagnostics team.
  • You assignments may include setting up and dismantling renowned trade fairs




  • Native Swiss German/German speaker + Professional level of English (A must) + French would be nice
  • You apply a methodical work approach alongside keen analytical abilities.
  • Proficiency with machine tools, preferably contemporary high-speed and high-performance milling machines, encompassing pneumatics, hydraulics, and sensors.
  • Demonstrate commitment, reliability, and a desire to work autonomously.
  • Based between Zurich and Austria
  • Willing to travel a lot



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Will manage other people: No

Career: Employee


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