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Sede: Svizzera, Berna, Biel
Settore: Servizi sociali/No Profit

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Annunci attivi dell'azienda


Board Member

Svizzera, Svitto , Pfäffikon

The Wilsdorf Mettler Future Foundation (WMFF)  is a philanthropic organization based in Switzerland, supporting global projects in environmental protection, health, and education. Established by the Wilsdorf-Mettler families, WMFF promotes entrepreneurship, innovation, and peace. The foundation is governed by a five-member Boardtwo from each family and one external member. With a planned transition of the current external board member, we seek a dedicated individual to join as a board member.  Responsibilities: Facilitate inclusive discussions and decision-making within the board, ensuring transparency and open communication. Potentially assume rotating board chair responsibilities within a collaborative team. Align strategic direction with organizational needs and frameworks. Represent WMFF externally, building relationships with stakeholders and the wider community. Introduce modern, innovative philanthropic approaches aligned with WMFF's mission.  Requirements: Proven experience in operational and executive roles within non-profits or social enterprises. Track record of leading projects programmes or organizations with positive outcomes on community impact, policy change, or organizational growth.  Skills & Competencies: Strategic thinking with insight into NGO sector challenges and opportunities. Financial acumen in reporting, budgeting, and resource allocation. Familiarity with fundraising, compliance, governance, and risk management related to Swiss foundations. Knowledge of current non-profit trends and project management. Proficiency in English; German is a plus.  Personal Attributes: Visionary, innovative character with digital and entrepreneurial literacy. Strong interpersonal and communication skills to foster collaboration. Independence, integrity, and no conflicts of interest. Expertise and networks in environment, health, or education sectors. Commitment to accuracy, discretion, and effective stakeholder management.   Application process:We look forward to receiving your application by October 20, 2024.We have commissioned cinfo, Center for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions relating to International Cooperation in Biel, to carry out the pre-selection. Please hand in your application via the blue "apply" button below (CV and a short letter of motivation) and contact in case you have any questions.
